How to 100x YouTube Learning


Success in today’s fast-paced digital world relies on your ability to digest and understand information quickly. AI tools make it possible to create concise summaries of YouTube videos. Now that we can access custom Chat-GPTs, these unique tools focus on specific use cases. Video summarizers improve the speed at which you can learn from YouTube content. This guide will walk you through leveraging this innovative toolset to streamline your learning and information-gathering processes.

This does require the pro version of chat GPT

Step-by-Step Guide to Using the Chat-GPT Video Summarizer:

Select your video

Identify the YouTube video you wish to summarize. Look for content-rich videos, such as news, tutorials, books, lectures, or documentaries, to maximize the utility of the summary.

Access the Summarizer

  1. Navigate to and log in.
  2. Click on Explore GPTs.
  3. Search “Video Summarizer“.
  4. You can pretty much select any of them.
  5. (Optional) By clicking on the title of the custom Chat-GPT, you can then click keep in sidebar for quick access in the future.


Input the Video Link

Copy and paste the YouTube video link into the summarizer tool. Ensure the video is publicly accessible for the AI to process it effectively.

Design your Prompt

Adjust the length of the summary, specify areas of interest, or highlight keywords. Below are some examples you can use to get started.

  • [YouTube Video URL] Summarize the video focusing on the main arguments and evidence provided.
  • [YouTube Video URL] Extract key points related to [specific topic] from the video.
  • [YouTube Video URL] Provide a bullet-point summary highlighting the steps described in the tutorial.
  • [YouTube Video URL] Identify and summarize the case studies mentioned in the lecture.
  • [YouTube Video URL] Generate a concise overview of the video, emphasizing the conclusions and recommendations.

Ask Questions

The best part about the AI providing the summary is that it gives you the ability to question the information to gain an even better understanding of the content.