Disposable Razors Are a SCAM! Here’s What They Don’t Want You to Know


Tired of spending more and more on disposable razors, only to toss them in the trash after a few uses? You’re not alone. While disposables seem convenient, they’re silently draining your wallet and contributing to massive plastic waste. Enter the Henson Safety Razor—a durable, precision-crafted tool designed to provide an exceptional shave while saving you hundreds of dollars in the long run. But is it worth the switch? Let’s dive into a head-to-head comparison and see why investing in a high-quality razor like the Henson is a smarter, more cost-effective choice over time.

Easy to Consume Data

The following data was researched and compiled on 9/14/2024 and is subject to change with inflation.

If you want, you can use our affiliate link to buy a Henson Razor on Amazon.(Get it here) You can also purchase 1000 double-edged Dorco blades on Amazon.(Get it here)

Also Quality Matters:

From a quality standpoint, the Henson Safety Razor is in a league of its own. Here’s why:

  • Superior Build: The Henson Safety Razor is made from high-grade aluminum or titanium (depending on the model), ensuring long-lasting durability. Unlike flimsy plastic disposables, a Henson razor is built to last for decades.

  • Precision Shave: The design of the Henson razor offers unparalleled precision. Its tight blade gap and exposure provide a smooth, irritation-free shave, reducing the risk of nicks and razor burn—common issues with disposable razors. Over time, this means fewer ingrown hairs and healthier skin.

  • Refillable Blades: Henson uses double-edge blades, which are much sharper and more cost-effective than disposable razor cartridges. These blades are also recyclable, reducing your environmental footprint significantly.

  • Customization: Henson offers different versions of its razor, allowing you to pick a model that matches your shaving needs (mild, medium, or aggressive). Disposable razors, on the other hand, often come in a “one-size-fits-all” approach, compromising quality for convenience.

Wrap up

When you look at the numbers and the quality, the choice is clear: Henson Safety Razor offers a better shave at a fraction of the long-term cost. Sure, disposable razors may seem cheaper upfront, but you’ll pay for that convenience with inferior shaves and higher recurring costs. Plus, by switching to a Henson razor, you’re making an eco-friendly decision that benefits both your wallet and the planet. If you’re serious about shaving, it’s time to leave disposables behind and invest in a razor that’s designed to last—and save you money for years to come.